Now that the Supreme Court has foolishly declared that
same-sex marriage is a constitutional right, public schools will be forced to
make their teaching compliant with this god-hating viewpoint. Sooner rather than later, there will be a
push to control home-school curriculum. For the time being, however, the tyranny
is incomplete, and parent-directed homeschooling is a legal option in all
states. For parents who don't wish to forfeit
their children's souls to godlessness, home schooling has suddenly become a
better option than ever.
I did not realize it at the time, but hindsight being 20/20,
I can see where my college Bible fellowship really blew it—Bigtime. I
remember a discussion on the first portion of 1 Corinthians 11. This is the chapter where Paul talks about
head coverings. Everyone, including the leader, was pretty clueless. Instead of
asking God to reveal Himself in this passage, they wrote it off as a cultural
thing. See where that was going? If
man/woman status is determined solely by the culture, then gay marriage is not
unreasonable. At the time, it was pretty easy to seize verse 13 which says,
"Judge in yourselves," and conclude that this really was a 'cultural relativism'
thing. And the icing on the argument-cake was that verse 2 clearly stated that
Paul was talking about traditions, not commands.
All of that missed the "image and glory of God"
point that was made in verse 7 though. The purpose of that particular tradition was to provide
a visual reminder that humans were created in the image and glory of God. And
verse 11 confirms, "However, in the Lord, neither is woman independent of
man, nor is man independent of woman." The sexes were not created independent
of each other, even though the Supreme Court found a Constitutional right to
defy the Creator's good sense and wisdom.
Fast-forward fifteen years. I now had small children and a
pastor who was willing to wobble on the creation vs. evolution issue. If we all
got here by evolution, then gay marriage is not unreasonable. But in 1990, my
creationist stance was deemed too divisive. "It's not like it's foundational,"
I was told. Except that it is. Now that the Supreme Court found a
Constitutional right to insult the Creator by totally disregarding Him, I guess
I have won the right to do the "I Told You So" dance, but frankly,
I'm just not feeling it.
For parents who believe that their children's spirits are
precious to their Creator, home schooling has suddenly become a better option
than ever. The public schools are not likely to let your child recognize God in action; that's about 1,250
prime hours per year that are lost from a godly world view. That is a whoppin' big hole.
How to get started in Georgia:
Oh, and the colors in the picture... no, they are not LGBT. I'm taking back God's rainbow.
Oh, and the colors in the picture... no, they are not LGBT. I'm taking back God's rainbow.
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