Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Real History

An archived letter from a Southern blacksmith during the Civil War —

"Those blacks are starting to believe we are at war to end slavery but I am a blacksmith and this damn war is about saving the Bill of Rights and Constitution from aristocrats in Europe who want to turn us all into something called taxed employees. Texas needs to remain its own republic for the sake of Liberty. The only the government and those bankers can keep controlling folks is to end their legalized slavery, which there ain't many slaves I ever seen in my lifetime. We use cotton gins and former slave babies own land and have business too like me, though most are too dumb to make anything of themselves unless they blame us white folks who ain't never done nothing to them. Blacks sold blacks to the bankers and aristocrats. We never owned a slave. Hell we are all slaves to those bastards in the government and banks. Slaves are human and God's creatures but so are white slaves and Native slaves, and Mexican slaves. But those banks took over our government before I was born, like Santa Anna, and make us all employees of these very same aristocrats who are the real slave owners in the North, South and in Europe. This is why blacks are joining forces in the south, and the uneducated ones run to the north for promises Lincoln will never keep. Those aristocrats they will kill him first. The educated blacks anyway, stay here in Texas. Ain't no poor white man ever beat a colored black or native. We are best friends in the watermelon patch. It is the rich folk who ain't like us who done all that killing and whipping and starving. And I suppose it is a black mans right to find personal justice. But it ain't us poor white folk and blacks know that. But European money is now helping Lincoln and we can't win unless we take down Washington. Lee is a true American, and he has lost battles on purpose to save lives on both sides but the Union is crazy as hell and wont stop coming. Its like they are possessed like demons or something. Full of hate and rage. I suspect Lee will surrender just in hopes to save Americans lives. We are both North and South, all Americans. White, Black, Native. Lee thinks he can do more by ending the war then after words politically fighting the establishment and bankers. I think we need to wipe them off the face of the earth for good or they will rewrite history and no one will ever know the real truth about this unholy war that the bankers started. They will change history and burn all the evidence in Dixie Land to the ground."
In God's Hands,
Originally posted by "Pvt. Ben." This was his great-great-great-grandfather's letter.