Once again, the Perseids have proven themselves to be harbingers of inclement weather. Even during drought conditions of former years they succeeded in drawing an overcastting of diaphanous clouds—except for the year that the date coincided with a near-full moon. That year the wash-out was from light, not water. (FYI - This year's moon is a waning gibbous one.)
Perseids (sometimes Perseides) is a patronymic of Perseus, used to designate his descendants. And Perseus was the Greek champion of mythology, son of Zeus and DanaĆ«. Not with the happiest of childhoods, young Perseus was thrown into a sea chest with his mother and drifted to the island of Seriphos where they were rescued by a fisherman—or maybe not. The old stories do not always agree. As an adult, he was the hero who bagged the head of Medusa. Killing, danger, and high adventure ensued, but eventually he saved and married Andromeda and fathered Perses. Today, the ancient heroes are remembered in the stars, when you can see them.
For more ~ http://www.qsl.net/w8wn/hscw/prop/perseids.html