...then shall all the trees of the wood rejoice
before the Lord" for he cometh, for he cometh to judge the earth: he shall judge the world with righteousness, and the people with his truth.
Bible, Psalms XCVI, v. 12-13
Arbor Day doesn't seem to get as much publicity as it once did, now that it has been overshadowed by Earth Day. I think Arbor Day is a holiday the Lord would enjoy; after all, He planted trees. God planted in Eden toward the east— the direction of beginnings, the direction of His return.
Planting a tree puts one in touch with eternity. Digging in the earth’s elements is always a bit like connecting with the ancient—mankind’s primeval assignment on the earth: to cultivate it and keep it. And yet rarely do we feel such hope of reaching to the future as we do when planting trees; living monuments that endure for generations.
before the Lord" for he cometh, for he cometh to judge the earth: he shall judge the world with righteousness, and the people with his truth.
Bible, Psalms XCVI, v. 12-13
Arbor Day doesn't seem to get as much publicity as it once did, now that it has been overshadowed by Earth Day. I think Arbor Day is a holiday the Lord would enjoy; after all, He planted trees. God planted in Eden toward the east— the direction of beginnings, the direction of His return.
Planting a tree puts one in touch with eternity. Digging in the earth’s elements is always a bit like connecting with the ancient—mankind’s primeval assignment on the earth: to cultivate it and keep it. And yet rarely do we feel such hope of reaching to the future as we do when planting trees; living monuments that endure for generations.